1600m run
2 rounds
200m sprint
21 Hang Cleans
400m jog
15 Hang Cleans
800m jog
9 Hang Cleans
100m sprint
The CrossBox Training and Fitness Center is an affiliatte of CrossBox International CrossBox locations have opened up across the globe , all sharing in their dedication to bring Education Based Fitness Concepts to the public at an affordable cost. CrossBox , will contuinue to grow through the fitness efforts of the athletes and trainers who give 100% to every workout. For more information on CrossBox go to www.crossboxfitness.com
1600m run
2 rounds
200m sprint
21 Hang Cleans
400m jog
15 Hang Cleans
800m jog
9 Hang Cleans
100m sprint
200 Jumping Jacks
4 Rounds
200m Medicine Ball Run
400m Sprint (no medicine ball)
20 WallBall
Group Training Schedule , 7am Wieghts for Woman , 9AM CrossBox, 5 PM TRX Training , 5:30 Weight Training for Women, 6PM CrossBox , 6:30 TRX Training . Please show up for your chosen class 10 minutes early to warm up.